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Close your eyes and Buy the Cryptocurrency Dip

*Disclaimer* This blog isn't written to provide investment guidance. This is my own view on the subject matter of cryptocurrency and not intended to influence your future financial decisions on same. At the time I was writing this blog, the price of bitcoin dipped  25% , other top coins weren't left in the shakedown which is the lowest since February. Prices of Bitcoin have plummeted to $33k  from $64k in just 5 days after Elon Musk's tweet about bitcoin mining and its effect on the environment. The recent decision from some Chinese banks to stop trading in cryptocurrency also contributed to its fall. This is normal; a crashing bitcoin price is not the first time it will rock the stock market, and yeah, some dollars will be lost in fact over $300m. I however advise investors not to throw caution to the wind when they are investing in cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency is not for the faint-hearted. You've certainly seen it in the news or heard people in the finance sect

Israel-Palestine Conflict; What's going on exactly?

Nobody wins when the family feud is incomprehensible to Jews and Arabs. I can't seem to get my mind around the increasing friction between them. It's crazy!   I spent some time trying to find out what went wrong, and this is what I found. The entire issue can be dated back to World War I when the British Empire conquered the Ottoman Empire. The British took control of Palestine, a land inhabited by Jewish communities and Arab majorities. The violence all started in 1947 when the international community charged the British with creating a national home for Jews in Palestine. This effectively divided Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. While Jerusalem, the holy land for both, will be designated as an international city. The city of Jerusalem in question is the Jewish people's ancestral home, but also considered to be the capital of the future state of the  Arabs. It has brought series of wars over the years, most notably in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, and 2006. The

Odyssey of a Lost Blogger

In 2013, I began blogging. Everything I did at that point was copying and paste various articles from the internet. I continued to steal material with no originality in the hopes of being compensated by Google. I finished college in 2019 but was unable to enroll in law school in 2020. A global pandemic occurred, followed by a lockdown. My dog died in 2021. Life has been a whirlwind, like a jumbled script in which I play the lead role. I chose to wallow in my misery and depression until I finally learned not to take things personally. It took me several years of wasting my time on low-value activities to come to a realization. A realization, as you can see, is a very personal experience. You may have to go through hell to find it, at times you might be lucky. What is the significance of discussing realization in this blog? Just Chill. For years, I've been planning a project that will never see the light of day. I couldn't stop thinking about the perfect word to start my bl