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Close your eyes and Buy the Cryptocurrency Dip

*Disclaimer* This blog isn't written to provide investment guidance. This is my own view on the subject matter of cryptocurrency and not intended to influence your future financial decisions on same. At the time I was writing this blog, the price of bitcoin dipped 25%, other top coins weren't left in the shakedown which is the lowest since February. Prices of Bitcoin have plummeted to $33k  from $64k in just 5 days after Elon Musk's tweet about bitcoin mining and its effect on the environment. The recent decision from some Chinese banks to stop trading in cryptocurrency also contributed to its fall. This is normal; a crashing bitcoin price is not the first time it will rock the stock market, and yeah, some dollars will be lost in fact over $300m. I however advise investors not to throw caution to the wind when they are investing in cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency is
not for the faint-hearted.

You've certainly seen it in the news or heard people in the finance sector speak about it. Some merely hear the headline and share it with their peers and never lifting a finger, whilst others are actively positioning themselves for the potentials digital currency has in store for them. What exactly are we talking about? The currency of the future! It's high time you stop thinking in naira and start thinking about your financial assets in a different currency or simply go virtual and start learning about cryptocurrencies so that you can be a part of this movement and position yourself for immeasurable opportunities.

With current developments in the banking industry, it is fair to assume that banks are not trustworthy. We can agree that conventional banking is flawed; the banking system is rigged in favor of a few who profit from it. With this perception, people are looking for a viable alternative, which cryptocurrency has provided. An independent, autonomous, and decentralized banking model that completely eliminates banks' and governments' control over your finances. 

There will be opposition from rigid financial institutions most especially the government; regardless, crypto is here to stay. Isn't that insane? By 2030, 200 million users are expected to use digital currencies. Without a doubt, cryptocurrency will become the primary currency in the future. For those of you unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, it is a digital or virtual currency that is protected by cryptography, making it difficult to clone or double-spend, and it is driven by blockchain (check my blog on a Blockchain). Blockchain, on the other hand, is thought to be worth ten times more than the internet.

What exactly is  Blockchain? Simply put, Blockchain is a decentralized digital bookkeeper that stores information in groups called blocks and connects this information using cryptography. This data is open, stable, and error-free. Any records or transactions recorded on the blockchain system must be accurate; once this technology is integrated into our system in the coming years, it will eliminate bribery, identity theft, copyright violation, ghost workers, and even election malpractice, to name a few. Now you understand why the Nigerian government despises cryptocurrency: if you allow cryptocurrency, you must also allow the technology that enables its functionality. The possibilities of blockchain-based bookkeeping are limitless.

If you still don't understand what Cryptocurrency or Blockchain is, please educate yourself. Make it a duty to stay on top of this financial trend. The cryptocurrency revolution is similar to the advent of the internet in the late 1990s when people were too static to adjust and adapt to the evolving clime of how people communicate and transact. And do not be left behind in this latest surge.

Without any iota of doubt, the bitcoin boom has made many people millionaires in dollars, and this remains so. Regardless of what you've heard of the bitcoin and how crazy the current market is, it won't stop it from reaching the $100k milestone per bitcoin and this isn't wishful thinking! What are you waiting for? Buy the dip!

Start your cryptocurrency today don't let naysayers rob you of this opportunity.


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